Forensic Search Dog

We have a new and upcoming project, we are beginning to train a forensic search dog. The dog will initially be trained on  blood, later moving onto semen and eventually onto cadavers. There are very few of these dogs available in the UK so this should be an exciting project for us. Check back for regular updates on how the training is going.

Our Dogs

We had some spare time this weekend and the weather was great so we did some training with our own dogs. Agility training for the Mali's and Brenda our Dutch Shepherd (who is just starting to learn agility) and some trick training with our Malinois puppy Chaos.  Video's of our training are posted below.

Monty Goes Back Home

After his two week stay with us for the Residential Behavior Boot camp, Monty returned home yesterday. He was very good boy whilst staying here, he learnt some new skills including Sit, Down, Crawl and most importantly a recall. He did plenty of socialisation and learnt how to behave appropriately around other dogs.  Monty's owners were sent away with details of what he had done with us and a training plan for the future as well as an advice sheet. We will keep in contact with them to check how Monty is doing over the coming months.

Below is a short video of his Monty's recall training whilst he was here with us.

For more information on our Residential behavior Boot Camp please email us on

Residential Behavior Boot Camp

We have currently got a dog here on our Residential Behavior Boot Camp. He is an English Bull Terrier named Monty.  He is staying with us for 2 weeks to have some basic training and to learn a reliable recall.

So far his training is going well, he has mastered Sit and Down and has learned that jumping up doesn't get you attention but a sit will get you a nice reward.

Today he has began his recall training too and was successful on all his attempts. We will hopefully post some videos of his training before he goes home.

General Purpose Security Dog Course 01/13

Today was the last day of our General Purpose Security Dog Handlers Course held between 3-20 Jan 13.  It was an enjoyable course and although a smaller course (mainly due to the time of year) it ran successfully with everyone achieving high scores in both written and practical tests.   Each team left here thoroughly confident and excited about their new job and handlers looking forward to getting stuck in with their canine partners.

During the first couple of weeks we were incredibly lucky with the weather with sunshine on most days and minimal rain, perfect for getting outdoors and getting stuck into some training.  The last week however we were blessed with some snow (OK lots of snow) but nobody complained we all just wrapped up warm and kept going.  The only thing we were unable to continue with was Agility as it would have been too unsafe to do.  There had been plenty of time for that in the first two weeks though so nobody missed out.

During the course we covered Obedience, Agility, Canine First Aid, Windscenting, Pick Up and Indication, Handler Protection, Tracking, Legislation, Patrol Techniques, Exercise and Physical Development and many other topics.  We used Brenda, one of our own working dogs to demonstrate bandaging and First Aid, she was a very good girl. (Pictured Left)

The last week focused on tracking which was made unpleasant at times for our handlers as it was so cold and heavy snowfall, the dogs however didn't care one bit, they were very focused on doing their job and getting to the target to get their reward.  I have posted a video below of tracking training on one of the more unpleasant days.
The dogs worked exceptionally hard for the whole course and bonded with their new handlers and the teams are all off to start new employment which is great news. Hopefully we will hear back from them in due course as to how they are getting on, we like to keep in contact with the handlers and are always pleased to hear how dogs that have left us are doing in their new careers. I'm sure they will be back for continuation training and hopefully future courses so they are never gone for good.

Obedience Training (Pictured above)

Enjoying the Snow